This time, though, I also included their album from 1969. 1964-1968.rar
CHECK NEW POST AND NEW LINK !!!(Nov. 2008) LP 1969.rar

One more re-post, my homemade comp "FLOWERS ARE FLOWERING". Beat Sike.rar
Enjoy it!
yes yes
great to know that you are back
such a nice band the Koobas were...
great choice.
Hola Pablo!
Recuerdo en unos de comentarios antes que me fuera que me hablabas de Kano Y Los alcancé a ver mucho todavía...subiste algo de ellos?
Magic Potion is included in the compilation "Liverpool 1963-1968" Volume one, If anyone have this disc....
Simon House
todavia no...pero ... se viene material de B Chocol y Bulldogs...
I have Magic Potion and can send it to you if you like. Contact me at And many thanks for all your wonderful posts!
My fantastic compilation of Koobas As&Bs singles that I offer to P
ochola (te quiero mucho !!) and all the Psych Bloggers !!!
Is my personal upload..
Enjoy Yahima
hi Yahima,
i haven't checked it out yet but i'm glad you managed to put ALL the sides together.
I'm actually amazed that no proper reissue has ever come out!
cool! spread the word on the Koobas!
hi Yahima,
it seems that your comp is missing a couple of things too!
while all the titles are there (Sweet music is uneccesarily repeated...) it's a bit of a cheat calling it A & B sides, when three tracks are LIVE!
In fact we're talking about those German clips that were on youtube...
Both "Somewhere in the night" and "You better make up your mind" included in my post are the studio versions...
Curiosity: the last two tracks (from the LP), while certainly issued as a 45 in France, never came out in the UK.
so, that leave us with "Magic Potion" and "Sally " as the only genuine sides that were missing from my post.
Good effort all the same and one more option on the net to get to hear Koobas!
If you can post the 3 studio tracks missed in my Compilation As&Bs singles I'm very happy.
Thanks for your help Aldo
Thank you very much for this post.
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