Monday 14 April 2008

More Wonderful Eastern (European!) Sounds from ILLES!

This is the first album I heard by ILLES, thanks to a tape that my dear friend Lenny Helsing made for me.
It's the second and the most consistent of their 60s albums. I love this band especially their unique Eastern flavoured sound that you can hear on several of their songs.
I've added no less than 5 bonus tracks, all from singles and all from 1968, the best year in the recorded output of ILLES.
This post too would have been impossible without my friend Gyula Dudas, owner of the original LPs.
With so much stuff around the web these days it's easy to just pass by something like this and infact I've found next to nothing by them...don't be put off by being all in Hungarian: do yourself a favour hear ILLES, hear them now!!!

1.Oh, mondd
2.Nehéz az út
3.Amikor én még kis srác voltam
4.Sárga rózsa
5.Átkozott féltékenység
6.Little Richard
7.Eltávozott a nap - az azonos című filmből
8.Nézz rám
9.Ne gondold
11.Az ész a fontos, nem a haj
12.Mondd, hogy nem hiszed el
Bonus tracks:
13.Nem érti más csak én
14.Teli alom
15.Régi dal
16.Holdfény ’69
17.Alig volt zöld


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