Even as an Italian and a 60s fanatic they were certainly unknown to me but thanks to the great Beat archeology work of the label Destination X such gems were uncovered after years of gathering dust, misunderstood and often scorned upon by the same Italians, "the good bands came from England or the United States" way of thinking...
Not that the recording industry helped much either, in fact the band only managed to release a single in 1966 for Bluebell a label from Milan and a second projected one never materialized.
A real shame considering that after their great debut, a cool two-sider in typical Italian Beat style with Folk-Rock leanings, the band went a step further, flying eight miles high as demonstrated by "Qui" (Here) with its 4:30 mins and its excellent flip (or was it the other way round?)

The Byrds were without a doubt a prime influence, also dig those McGuinn glasses.
Brilliant stuff!
Younger than yesterday!
Torna da me / Piú dolcemente tu vivrai (Bluebell, 1966)
Qui / Non sai molto di me (previously unreleased, recorded 1967)
Seems these guys have an LP worth of material available..many thanks for the wonderful 4 tracks !!
Hi Niall,
that's the album in question, as a matter a fact the picture of the band I posted is the same.
The rest of the album is made up of live recordings all covers but I felt disappointing when compared to what I published.
Perhaps it's time for a proper reissue, you don't find too much about these guys not even on Italian music sites...
Dear Aldo!
Acording to morningdewband.com/,
this LP (Morning Dew) recorded on Aug.1969 at Bob Gallo’s Talentmaster Recording Studio- New York City, New York
and and for some unknown reason the album did not get released until one year later in August, 1970.
I 've already correct it!
Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to find the true information about this marvelous gem!
By the way...
Your blog is very very interesting!I 'll check it out...
Hi, thanks for your post about this great band. I play drums in a band called I FENOMENI, Italian psych-beat, and we cover "Più dolcemente tu vivrai". You can listen to us in our Facebook page or join us in Milan saturday 5 febbruary at Milano sixties festival. Thank you, your blog is cool. Cheers
Ciao Franco,
daró un'occhiata su FB adesso che ci sono anch'io (da poco)...peró sará difficile che venga a Milano, vivendo nella Pagonia cilena!
i just found out your great blog...can you do again these great african tunes...http://www.shareonall.com/AFRIKA_3_yofw_rar.htm...love and respect from greece...
Hi Greek anonymous,
have a look through the archive of this blog and you'll find that most things were re-posted using Mediafire:
copy and paste those links.
For the African comps:
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