I came across them for the first time over 10 years ago, when one of their songs ended the vinyl comp EXPLODING PLASTIC INEVITABLE #2 quite a wonderful collection of obscure groups from far away corners of the planet. On that one I also got to hear Los Vidrios Quebrados another big fave of mine. Volume One was even better...perhaps somebody has been putting these comps up, with so many blogs around!
A couple of years ago I found what I thought was the first album by ILLES and in way it is, but it turns out it's a soundtrack to a film "Ezek a fiatalok"(These Young People)that also included other artists. Some of the songs are sung by Zsuzsa Koncz but she's backed by ILLES.
Amazingly, you can now watch most of the tracks on Youtube!
I was disappointed when I first played the album, by the opening track (much better watching the clip!)and especially the second one...now I know that the second song is NOT by ILLES at all!
The album and the film came out in 1967 but it's quite possible it was all done in 1966...ILLES have the most wonderful sound, coming up with very original melodies and certainly delving into their Hungarian folklore for inspiration.
This record gets better and better,the last few tracks are great and it's certainly one that grows on you and after watching those clips I like it even more!
LISTEN TO THIS, WATCH THOSE CLIPS...and you can also get a glimpse of their best stuff that came right afterwards by watching a live appearance at a 1968 festival:
Perhaps in the future with a little help from Hungary we can post some of that.
It would be lovely to hear from somebody that knows more about this great band.

Gyémánt és arany (Metro)
Szőke Anni balladája ( Zsuzsa Koncz)
Mostanában ( Sarolta Zalatnay & Metro)
Láss, ne csak nézz
Ez az a ház ( Zsuzsa Koncz & Omega)
Miszter Alkohol ( Zsuzsa Koncz)
Sárga Rózsa
Fáradt vagyok (with Zsuzsa K.)
Néma szerelem (with Zsuzsa K.)
A bolond lány
Download album here: